v1nsent Game Company



A long time ago, 89 years ago, tragedy struck our Wilson family. All this concerns the heritage of the city of Kura-Tsetse. Wilson's family lived in a perpetual war between churches and science.
They were scientists of the time who tried to prevent the existence of the supernatural. The churches did not like this, they tried to fight the Wilson family, because if they were able to test the supernatural, then all people would stop believing in the church and the omnipresent. To stop them, the church united and summoned the ancient demon Orbitator, they called upon him to harm the Wilson family, a curse that hallucinated them and prevented them from living normally. But Nikol gets into the city, and an attempt is made to lift the curse!

Key points

In this game you will have to solve puzzles, be on alert, examine anything that seems suspicious to you, and interact with it. If you made at least 1 mistake, you will regret it!